Apps for iOS and Android
Increase your medical spelling accuracy and productivity with the Spellex Medical Keyboard & Spell Checker for Android or iOS! The application adds more than 150,000 medical terms and integrates seamlessly with most applications including Notes, Email, Messages, Browsers, Third Party Apps, and much more.

Use With Your Favorite App
Global app will fully and seamlessly integrate with iOS or Android applications for optimal medical spelling capability.
Can Be Used on Most Devices
Compatibility with both mobile phones and tablets to spell check on almost any mobile device.
No WiFi or Data Needed
Once downloaded and installed, no internet connection is needed. Spell check any time and any where.
Over 70 Different Medical Specialties!
Including anatomy, cardiology, gastroenterology, immunology, internal medicine, neurology, nursing, oncology, pathology, psychiatry, radiology, urology, veterinary medicine, and more!